healthy food spread across a table

Comparison of Diets for Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

June 23, 20238 min read

Have you ever wondered what is the best diet for diabetes? If so, this is the blog for you! I am breaking down the diets typically recommended for individuals with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Included you will find a review of the low carb, Mediterranean, DASH, vegetarian and ketogenic diet. Plus, sample recipes to gain a deeper understanding on the types of foods and meals you would see in each eating pattern. 

By sharing the potential benefits and challenges associated with each diet, I am aiming to debunk the myths, state the facts and empower you to find an eating pattern that is sustainable for your lifestyle.

Why is healthy eating important for people with diabetes?

For individuals living with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, maintaining a balanced diet is essential for diabetes management. What you eat and when you eat both play a pivotal role in one’s ability to control blood sugars. 

There is no doubt that one of the biggest challenges with eating healthy is determining how to build balanced meals. For some that may look like plates piled with vegetables while to another it could be an emphasis on antioxidant rich berries at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hence why we have multiple diets for diabetes!

Despite what you might read on the internet, there is not a single best diet for diabetes (because if there was then you wouldn’t be reading this blog). However, I do have reassuring news! There is an awareness you can develop to guide your day-to-day dining decisions that will move the needle toward improved health. 

If you are ready to develop this sense of awareness and end the cycle of failed attempts to manage diabetes then reading this blog followed by signing up for The Balanced Blood Sugar Protocol are the next steps for you!

Recommended diets for diabetes

As I mentioned, I will be comparing the low carb, Mediterranean, DASH, vegetarian and keto diet. Yes, there are other diets that can be recommended for diabetes management and if you are interested in learning about one beyond these five then comment below to let me know. 

Let’s get started!

healthy foods on and surrounding a plate

Low-Carb Diet 

The low carb diet is an eating pattern that restricts daily intakes of carbohydrates and emphasizes intakes of protein and fat. The total amount of carbs recommended varies among individuals. 

Typical foods you would find included in this diet are fish, eggs, red meat, poultry and non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus. Foods like fruit, legumes, rice, pasta, potatoes and corn would be restricted. 

Potential Benefits & Considerations 

Following a low carbohydrate diet does have a variety of potential health benefits. On the positive side, this pattern of eating can lead to weight loss, improved blood sugar control, enhanced satiety and increased intake of non-starchy vegetables. 

However, there are several considerations to keep in mind before adopting a low carbohydrate diet. The first is that research shows the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet on weight loss are short-term and there could be consequences of raised LDL and total cholesterol in the long-term.

Secondly, the side effects such as fatigue, headaches and generalized weakness can impact your day-to-day activities when first starting the diet. It is also important to mention that the focus on intakes of protein and fat to meet daily needs could pose health risks. This can be combated by prioritizing the types of proteins and fats consumed to minimize the risk of chronic conditions. 

Sample Low Carb Recipes

Mediterranean Diet 

The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a reduced intake of dairy, red meat, added sugars and refined grains with a focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and heart-healthy fats. The dietary pattern also emphasizes intakes of nuts, seeds and olive oil.  

Potential Benefits & Considerations 

Adopting this eating pattern has been associated with reduced risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer, a beneficial effect on type 2 diabetes prevention, and promoting longevity. Other potential benefits could include improved weight management and higher consumption of essential nutrients. 

As with any eating pattern, the Mediterranean Diet also has a few crucial things to consider. The first being mindfulness of portion sizes for weight control due to intakes of high caloric foods. Also, while this diet does offer a flexible approach to eating, the affordability and sustainability are two potential challenges to keep at top of mind before adopting this eating plan. 

Sample Mediterranean Diet Recipes 

DASH Diet 

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet in that it encourages intakes of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and heart-healthy fats.

It differs in that there is a heightened focus on reducing sodium consumption and limiting saturated fats since this eating plan was designed to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Potential Benefits & Considerations 

With intakes of nutrient rich foods, weight loss, reduced total cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol are all benefits one could see.

Research repeatedly shows the benefits of following this eating pattern to manage blood pressure and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies also show that the DASH diet could improve insulin sensitivity and play a role in long term glycemic control.

When considering the potential challenges, the first is a perceived lack of flavor in foods due to limited sodium. This could make it difficult for one to sustain this eating pattern. Scratch cooking, meal planning and label reading are requirements when following the DASH diet to prepare meals featuring produce, lean protein and whole grains. Poor culinary skills and lack of nutrition knowledge could hinder one’s ability to follow this diet.

Sample DASH Diet Recipes 

Vegetarian Diet 

Vegetarian diets tend to be lower in saturated fats and cholesterol while higher in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The eating pattern is characterized by meeting daily nutrient needs from plant-based sources. Vegetarian diets range from vegan to lacto-ovo-vegatarian, pesco-vegetarian and semi-vegetarian. 

Potential Benefits & Considerations 

The benefits of all vegetarian diets in diabetes management have been well established. The dietary pattern has been associated with reduced risk of obesity, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Studies have also found that following this type of diet significantly decreases medication use among individuals with diabetes.

The biggest challenge with following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is ensuring adequate intakes of essential nutrients that are lacking in plant-based options. From vitamin B12 and iron to calcium and zinc, there is a higher risk of being deficient in these nutrients. However, with the correct supplementation, it is possible to prevent these deficiencies. Another consideration is being mindful of daily protein consumption. While possible, it does require extra effort to ensure you are selecting protein sources to meet your daily needs.

Sample Vegetarian Recipes  

Ketogenic Diet 

The ketogenic or more commonly known as the keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb eating pattern with the goal to reach a state of ketosis. This diet differs from a traditional low-carb diet in that it forces the body to rely on ketones as its primary energy source instead of glucose.

Potential Benefits & Considerations 

The keto diet has definitely gained popularity for its potential weight loss and improved blood sugar control benefits. However, there are several considerations to be aware of before adopting this eating plan.

One potential consequence is the “keto-flu”, which is a collection of side effects such as fatigue, irritability and brain fog that one experiences when they first start this diet. Additionally, the keto diet is not a flexible plan and is highly restrictive so it can be challenging to sustain over the long-term. Nutrient deficiencies are extremely common since carbohydrates provide fiber, vitamins and minerals to the body so supplementation is likely needed to meet daily needs. 

Lastly, the high fat and protein intake can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and compromise kidney health. It is extremely important that before starting this dietary pattern that you consult with a healthcare professional. Frequently labs, appointments and guidance are all necessary when transitioning the body to a state of ketosis. 

Sample Keto Diet Recipes

Diabetes Diets Compared 

As a reminder, the purpose of this blog is not to persuade you to pick a specific diet to follow. Instead, it is a comparison to highlight the pros and cons of each diet recommended for diabetes.

Blood Sugars Made Simple 

The bottom line is that the eating pattern that you choose should meet your nutrient needs, support your health goals and keep your lifestyle in mind. It is vital that you consult with a healthcare professional like a diabetes dietitian to take a personalized approach.

And with that, it is officially time for the next step - signing up for The Balanced Blood Sugar Protocol! Together, we can build and strengthen a solid foundation to eliminate and reduce frustration around diabetes management.

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