blog graphic with tiles spelling out symptoms

From Spikes to Dips: Exploring Symptoms of Blood Sugar Imbalance

May 15, 20246 min read

True or False: Only those diagnosed with diabetes struggle with unbalanced blood sugars.

False! The reality is everyone can be impacted by a blood sugar imbalance. That is why understanding the complexities of blood sugar levels is necessary for overall well-being. 

Balanced blood sugars play a pivotal role in sustaining energy levels, supporting cognitive function and even preventing chronic diseases. 

In this blog, I explain the importance of balanced blood sugars, identify common symptoms of fluctuating glucose levels and outline strategies to regulate blood sugars.

This article will quickly become a go-to resource since it contains insights and tools to get blood sugars under control once and for all!

Understanding Blood Sugars

Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is sugar that circulates in the bloodstream to provide a primary source of energy to your body. It is actually the preferred fuel for your brain! 

To provide your body energy, carbohydrates found in foods such as grains, fruit and starchy vegetables are broken down into glucose and released into the bloodstream. 

This initiates the pancreas to produce insulin, the hormone responsible for allowing the blood sugar into the cells to provide energy to perform necessary functions. 

Due to its important function, levels are tightly regulated by the body. However, regulating blood sugar levels can quickly become a challenge. 

With diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin or cannot use it normally to regulate blood sugars.

For individuals without diabetes, diet, physical activity, stress levels, hormones, sleep (the list keeps going!) can influence optimal blood sugar regulation. 

Why Do You Need Balanced Blood Sugars 

Keeping blood sugar levels balanced is crucial for overall health and well-being. While you may not feel the impact of a single occurrence of elevated or low sugars, constant fluctuations can impact various bodily functions. 

When blood sugar levels are stable, we can take advantage of consistent energy levels, optimal cognitive function, mood stability and enhanced physical endurance.

Additionally, balanced blood sugars support weight management by reducing sugar cravings and regulating hunger and fullness hormones. 

To keep the list going, controlled glucose can contribute to prevention of conditions such as depression, anxiety, diabetes and heart disease. 

So, whether you are looking for a boost of energy, to reach a certain weight goal or prevent the progression of chronic disease and mental health concerns, controlling blood sugar levels should be a top priority. 

Contributing Factors to Blood Sugar Imbalances 

Now that you know the “why”, let’s understand the contributing factors to blood sugar imbalance. It is key to be able to identify the top factors to ultimately manage levels effectively. 

Nutrient poor diet 

A diet lacking in dietary fiber, heart healthy fats and lean proteins can be a significant barrier in achieving balanced blood sugars.

When these nutrients are missing, the diet is often filled with processed foods, sugary snacks, refined carbohydrates and sweetened beverages. 

These nutrient poor foods are rapidly digested, causing blood sugar spikes followed by sudden crashes. 

On the other hand, the absence of all carbohydrates for a prolonged period is also detrimental for balanced sugars. 

Related: 4 Foods To Lower Your A1c and Manage Blood Sugar Levels 

Sedentary lifestyle 

A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by prolonged periods of sitting and minimal movement. Regular exercise helps the body to utilize glucose more efficiently by increasing insulin sensitivity. 

Without movement, the muscles can become less responsive to insulin, leading to elevated glucose levels. 

Chronic stress 

High stress levels can trigger the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which signals to the body to increase production of glucose to provide energy. 

It is easy to see that when stress becomes chronic the impact it can have on blood sugar levels. 

Also, stress can influence emotional eating, cravings for carbohydrate dense foods and irregular eating patterns. 

Poor sleep habits 

Sleep is when the body undergoes essential processes that support metabolic health. During times of inadequate or poor-quality sleep, insulin resistance is more common. 

Sleep deprivation can also lead to increasing levels of cortisol, ghrelin (appetite stimulating hormone) and decreased levels of leptin (satiety hormone). 

Medical conditions

Pre-existing or family history of medical conditions such as prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid disorders can disrupt hormonal balance and impact blood sugar regulation. 

The management of these conditions is crucial for effectively managing any imbalance to prevent further complications. 


Certain medications like steroids and antidepressants can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels as a side effect.  

They impair insulin sensitivity or promote the liver to release glucose, leading to elevated blood sugars. 


Chronic inflammation in the body can also impair insulin sensitivity and disrupt glucose metabolism.

Fighting inflammation often involves incorporating a multi-faceted approach that addresses lifestyle habits, dietary choices and stress management.

Related: Top 25 Anti Inflammatory Foods

Is My Blood Sugar Uncontrolled? 

Determining if your blood sugars are uncontrolled requires careful consideration of various factors.

Monitoring glucose levels regularly with a glucometer, continuous glucose monitor, or laboratory testing will provide the most insight into your current levels.

These tools help to determine instances of hyperglycemia and/or hypoglycemia.

Symptoms can also start appearing that can suggest poor blood sugar control. Take a look at the list below to see if you are currently experiencing any (or all) of these symptoms.

Symptoms of Blood Sugar Imbalance 

  • Increased thirst 

  • Frequent urination 

  • Fatigue and/or weakness

  • Blurred vision 

  • Headaches or difficulty concentrating

  • Increased hunger or sugar cravings 

  • Struggling with weight management 

  • Poor wound healing 

  • Increased infections 

  • Irritability 

  • Shakiness 

  • Sweating 

  • Confusion or poor mental health

  • Increased heart rate

list of signs and symptoms

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have received concerning lab results, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional and seek the guidance of a qualified nutrition professional for personalized recommendations. 

These symptoms are not something to overlook.

Over time, these can progress into serious issues or chronic conditions. However, resolving can change your long-term health and even reverse disease such as diabetes. 

Related: How To Treat Hyperglycemia: A Diabetes Dietitian’s Roadmap

graphic of signs and symptoms

How To Control Blood Sugar Levels

As a registered dietitian that takes an anti-inflammatory centered approach, my clients have seen the benefits of tackling the root of blood sugar issues and making sustainable lifestyle changes. 

Regardless of what you read or are promised by the next wellness influencer, there is not a single food, exercise program, sleep pattern or dietary supplement that can control blood sugar levels long-term.

It is a combination of lifestyle changes that allow you to balance blood sugars.

Remember, you are in charge of your destiny, and I am here to help you get there.

For additional support beyond this blog, check out my nutrition programs aimed to reduce inflammation and simplify blood sugar management.

You can see results in as little as 8-weeks!

The Balanced Blood Sugar Protocol: Personalized Nutrition Program 

Virtual 1:1 sessions to outline a clear path to move the needle toward improved health. 

Sugar Savvy: Group Coaching Program

Virtual group sessions to build and strengthen a solid foundation with a sense of community. 

Kitchen Kickstart: Kitchen & Pantry Reboot 

Start fresh in your kitchen to promote nutrient dense cooking and meal choices. 

Vitamize: Dietary Supplementation Consult 

Individualized recommendations to determine if supplementation is the right fit. Free consult with access to discounted dietary supplements. 

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