Blood Sugar Made Simple

I empower adults to break the pattern of unsuccessful attempts in managing diabetes by taking an anti-inflammatory centered approach to eliminate confusion and overwhelm with diabetes care.

Whole Health with Meg is a private practice grounded in empathy and science to guide you toward gradual and sustainable lifestyle changes.

We work together to reduce inflammation, improve your blood sugars and so much more!

Meg Tancredi, RD

Hi! I’m Meg. 

The diabetes dietitian and nutrition coach behind Whole Health with Meg!

I take a whole health approach with diabetes care by helping you learn that optimal sleep, stress, exercise and diet lay the foundation for building the life you want & deserve. 

I am all about saying goodbye to the days of failed attempts, quick fixes and fad diets and looking ahead to years of optimal health!

Meg’s Core Values

Act with empathy | Prioritize well-being | Create balance in life | Seek knowledge | Make a difference

Let’s Work Together at Your Pace!

You're in the right place if...

  • You want to feel less confused and overwhelmed with what diabetes is and how to manage it

  • You were recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes and you’re not sure where to start

  • You were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes years ago and are ready to begin a path toward optimal health

  • You have tried a variety of diets and quick fixes that weren’t sustainable for the long haul

  • You want to feel more confident around food choices whether cooking at home or dining out

  • You want to regain your energy (and sanity) so you can get back to doing the things you enjoy

  • You need accountability and guidance to help reach your health goals

  • You are ready to listen and be open to targeted solutions

  • You want to reduce the number/dosage of medications you are taking

  • You are ready to re-evaluate your lifestyle because we have one life and it’s worth living to the fullest!

Choose the Right Program for You

My virtual nutrition programs aim to reduce inflammation and have shown marked improvement in energy, mood, sleep, eating patterns, lab values, weight and health risks for my clients.

You are in charge of your destiny - I am here to help you get there.

Set up a Clarity Call today!

The Balanced Blood Sugar Protocol

Individual Counseling

Sugar Savvy

Group Coaching Program

Life Happens

Accountability Package

The Latest from the Whole Health Blog

Whole Health Blog - Diabetes

Whole Health Blog - Nutrition

Whole Health Blog - Lifestyle




Former Client

My experience with Meg has been nothing short of wonderful. She’s very in tune to the medical world and specifically with diabetes. She has been so helpful and respectful to my situation and incorporates all things to my specific lifestyle needs. I have a new friend who has been supportive on a daily basis and I’m super appreciative for all knowledge and time she has given me.



Former Client

Meg turned my life around! I was missing some important changes when it came to reducing my A1C number. Details MATTER and this takes a GREAT LISTENER. She absolutely nailed my necessary must do changes and I reversed my number down. Meg is a stellar professional that I would recommend to anyone. Her knowledge shines through with the example of her own health discernment.



Former Client

My numbers were going in the wrong direction, I had tried other diets, and I wasn't feeling my best for quite some time.

I knew I needed to change things!

With Meg's 3 month counseling program, I lost 15 pounds and my glucose went from 269 to 130. I learned what blood sugar management is all about and I continue to apply the sustainable dietary and lifestyle habits I learned from this program. I recommend it wholeheartedly!


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